You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.8. Maintenance - Edit Menus > Enter Menu to Edit - Tab (v2.8)

Enter Menu to Edit - Tab (v2.8)

You use the Tab tab on the Enter Menu to Edit screen to display a list of Micronet tabbed screens so you can prevent certain users from accessing some tabs.

This option is linked to your customised menus and uses the system security in the User File Update screen to prevent unauthorised changes back to the original menus and tab security.


Micronet displays the Enter Menu to Edit screen - Menu tab.

  1. Select the Tab tab.

Micronet displays the Enter Menu to Edit screen - Tab tab.

  1. In the Standard Tabs list, select the screen you want to limit access to.

As well as using the mouse, you can type the first letter (or letters) of the screen name, or use the up arrow, down arrow, Page Up, Page Down, End and Home keys.

  1. Select the Edit button.

You can also double click on a screen name.

Micronet displays the Edit Tab screen showing all the tabs on the selected screen. This screen shows the tabs on the Item Update screen.

  1. Select a tab.
  1. Select one of the following buttons depending on how you want to customise that tab:



What it does



Greyed tabs are still displayed to users but in a different colour to show that there is a tab on the screen but they do have access to it.



Ungreying a tab that has been greyed previously makes that tab available to users again.

  1. When you have finished customising the tabs, select the Save button.

Micronet displays the Save Menu screen.

  1. Enter a name for your customised menu in the Menu Name field.

If you have customised menus for this group of users, enter the same name. Any user with access to the current edited menu will also have this tab security applied.

You enter this name against the appropriate users when setting up user IDs.

  1. Select the Accept button to save any changes, or the Cancel button to exit without saving your changes.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Menu to Edit screen.

  1. You must now assign the menu to the appropriate user IDs.

Refer to "Example: Customising a Menu to Prevent Access to File Update Menu".